PPC SEO Ecommerce

How Vet Shop Australia Achieved 80% More Organic Revenue

190% Green Arrow Up
increase in organic
80% Green Arrow Up
increase in organic
search volume
220% Green Arrow Up
increase in conversion
rate for PPC campaigns
40% Green Arrow Up
increase in number of
transactions from PPC


Vet Shop Australia

About Challenges Our Approach Strategy & Execution Outcomes Key Results Testimonials
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Forest Glen QLD

About Challenges Our Approach Strategy & Execution Outcomes Key Results Testimonials

About Vet Shop Australia

Since 1999, VetShopAustralia has supported pet owners in Australia and across the world. There’s a reason they’re a well-loved brand. They’re proudly Australian owned and operated, with a team that simply loves animals.


Product reliability, quick delivery and quality customer service are all part of their promise. Licensed, practising veterinary surgeons and animal health professionals check all the pet products sold, to ensure everything is up to scratch.

VetShopAustralia partnered with OMG to superpower their digital presence. A custom SEO and PPC campaign resulted in increased traffic, conversions, and revenue. 150% more organic traffic. 190% more organic conversions. 40% more transactions from PPC. And the results just keep getting better!

  • Optimising this large and thriving eCommerce website called for unique expertise.
  • Tough competition made ranking for crucial keywords a significant challenge.
  • PPC campaigns delivering a low click-through and high cost-per-click, meaning inefficient use of budget

Our Approach

Effective digital marketing makes every dollar count. Customised PPC campaigns delivered better ROI for VetShopAustralia, with 1000% higher click-through-rate compared to previous results. A tailored SEO strategy put VetShopAustralia’s website in the spotlight, meaning more traffic and customers.

Strategy & Execution

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Keyword and competitor analysis to align with maximum market opportunity

In competitive eCommerce and pet industries, the most profitable keywords are also the most competitive. Proven SEO strategies boosted this client’s search engine rankings – resulting in first page rankings for tough keywords such as ‘australian pet supplies’, ‘pet shop near me’ and ‘pet shop’.

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Strategic technical and offsite SEO to supercharge online visibility

OMG handled the heavy lifting with technical SEO, helping to skyrocket VetShopAustralia’s online visibility. Technical and offsite SEO aimed to create high quality and relevant backlinks, crucial as a ranking factor on Google.

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Hyper-targeted and customised campaigns for serious PPC ROI

Delivering serious ROI called for customised PPC campaigns that resonated with the right people. OMG created and optimised ads that captured customers at right place and at the right time. This means qualified traffic finding and converting on the website.

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Website structure and content optimisations for a streamlined experience

Optimising this eCommerce engine helped to boost performance and improve experience. OMG focused on streamlining the structure and navigation of the website, while also maintaining the highest quality of content. This means visitors are guided from first touch to final conversion.


To note, OMG helped increase:

  • Increased, organic visits by 3,511% YoY
  • Increased, organic conversions by 100% YoY
  • Increased, organic revenue by 7,088% YoY

To note, OMG helped increase:

  • Increased domain authority by 1,300% (1 to 14) within 5 months
  • Increased organic non-branded clicks by 4,533% YoY
  • Increased overall keyword reach by 119%, while increasing the number of keywords in the top 10 positions by 120%

Key Results


increase in organic


increase in organic
search volume


increase in conversion
rate for PPC campaigns


increase in number of
transactions from PPC

Hear from the Client

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“Great customer service, they’ve been very loyal to me. A previous provider that I used was charging me almost 4x more.. and getting no results.”

– Steven Marshall

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