PPC SEO Ecommerce Retail

How Artline Attracted 176% More Website Visitors

37% Green Arrow Up
Increase in organic visitors year on year
176% Green Arrow Up
Increase in total website visits year on year
19% Green Arrow Up
Increase in number of high quality referring domains



About Challenges Our Approach Strategy & Execution Key Results
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Ecommerce & Retail

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About Challenges Our Approach Strategy & Execution Key Results

About Artline

Artline is an iconic manufacturer of pens and markers. Over 50 years in business, they’ve grown a trusted reputation worldwide for their highest quality and reliability. Artline also maintain strong production standards that are environmentally sustainable.


As a market leader in the industry, Artline wanted to translate their reputable brand into a trustworthy, highly-discoverable online presence.

  • Market leader needing to cement and grow online presence
  • Need to drive foot traffic to local stockists
  • Not enough search engine visibility for crucial keywords

Our Approach

Creating impact on digital is all about connecting with your ideal customers, in the right place and at the right time.

That’s why a big part of OMG’s strategy was to create an explosive presence on search engines, while also driving qualified and ready-to-buy to Artline’s website.

Strategy & Execution

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Reach the top of rankings with technical and onsite SEO

For high impact digital results, a high performing website is essential. That’s why OMG’s first priority is optimising Artline’s website for maximum search engine visibility.

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Building a trustworthy, authoritative website

Website authority is a crucial factor for increasing your search engine visibility. Google wants to deliver timely, relevant and trustworthy information for every search query — so Google will favour more reputable, authoritative websites.

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Capture ready-to-buy customers with PPC

Squeezing the best results from every dollar is all about customising the right campaigns. Our consultants engineer laser-focused targeting to reach ready-to-buy customers in a timely way.

Key Results


Increase in organic visitors year on year


Increase in total website visits year on year


Increase in number of high quality referring domains

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