OMG | Remarketing
What is Remarketing

Remarketing gives you another chance at reaching your potential customers and winning them over. What makes it so powerful is that you are targeting people who have previously shown interest in your brand. Chances are they weren’t ready to convert the first time they landed on your site, even if they got all the way through to the checkout.

Co-Founder & Head Of Partnerships
OMG | Remarketing
OMG | Remarketing
Track, Target, Sale

Track, Target, Sale

Remarketing allows you to track individual pages on your website. You can see which customers spend time on those pages without converting. Then, get in front of them again and again with targeted, relevant ads they cannot resist! So, eventually, they return to your site and show you the money.

Crafting the right approach

Crafting the right approach

Sending the right message is vital, as remarketing can expose the fine line between adding value and ‘stalking’. Our campaigns consist of multiple ads, each one crafted to appeal to visitors who’ve browsed a specific service or product category on your site.

Smart and savvy sales techniques

Smart and savvy sales techniques

We engage remarketing best practice principles like adding burn pixels and frequency caps so your audience doesn’t get burnt out on over-advertising. At the same time you need to be savvy to get the sale; take advantage of one of the most powerful profit-earners in the PPC toolbox.

Targeted and relevant campaigns for your brand

Targeted and relevant campaigns for your brand

We dig deep to understand where your visitors come from and the places they frequent, so we target the most relevant ad channels for your business.

Co-Founder & Head Of Partnerships
OMG | Remarketing
Co-Founder & Head Of Partnerships
OMG | Remarketing OMG | Remarketing OMG | Remarketing
Get a second chance to seal the deal.
Get a second chance to seal the deal.

Remarketing gives you a serious edge over the competition by targeting previous visitors and placing your brand right in front of them – again. Visitors aren’t always ready to buy the first time they land on your site. In fact, the vast majority of web users don’t convert on the first visit.

We track each visitor to your site, make them part of your audience and follow them throughout the web with relevant ads, eventually bringing them back home to show you the money.

Wipe out the competition with a smarter, stronger strategy.

Ingrain your products into their minds and block out the competition. Those are strong moves that should be made by smart marketers. And you need to be strong. In an ultra-competitive online world, it’s essential that businesses put in extra effort to stay front-of-mind with shoppers in the decision-making stages. This gives you a second chance to win over potential customers.

Wipe out the competition with a smarter, stronger strategy.
OMG | Remarketing
Our PPC Services

Extract maximum potential out of our PPC Services with custom campaigns leveraging the ideal platforms for your business.

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PPC Management Service
Turn your Pay-Per-Click ad spend into game-changing revenue with a strategy that optimises conversions, not clicks.
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Social Media Marketing
Get more than just likes. Make massive revenue gains and send your bottom line soaring with an effective lead generation campaign.
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Frequently Asked Questions
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Curious to learn more? Here are some of the most common questions we hear day to day.

How do remarketing ads work?

Remarketing ads are pretty simple. You add some code to the specific pages on your website. This “tag” uses browser cookies to add visitors to your remarketing list.

You can customise the code for different pages to create different remarketing groups. For example, you might create a “black dress” remarketing audience for those who visit website pages where you sell black dresses. That way, you can show these visitors highly targeted ads that promote black dresses.

The first step in remarketing is working out which pages you want to tag for your campaign. Think about the high-value pages. That is, those pages that show you the visitor is really interested in buying. Next, work out the remarketing ad you want to use. There are lots of remarketing platforms to choose from, but Google remarketing and Facebook remarketing remain the most popular.

Google lets you run remarketing ads on the Google Display Network (GDN), YouTube and the Google Search Network. That’s a massive amount of exposure. The most challenging part of creating a remarketing campaign is creating the ad. You need to strike the balance of subtle hints and aggressive targeting, so people come back and buy.

OMG knows how to bring all these elements together for a revenue-busting retargeting campaign – talk to us!

What can remarketing do for my business?

Sales, sales, sales! The more ad impressions a prospect sees, the more likely they are to convert. Remarketing ads can dramatically increase clicks and conversions. Much more so than other display ads. Why? Because they are more personalised, targeted and relevant to the user. This means they also have a lower cost per click and a cheaper cost per impression. The result? A much higher return on investment for your online advertising budget.

Is remarketing cheap?

The cost of remarketing depends on the size of your campaign. But when you consider it in terms of return on investment, remarketing is insanely cost-effective! Why? Because you’re targeting visitors who already know your brand and what you have to offer. This means they’re much more likely to convert. Work with OMG to take advantage of one of the most powerful revenue-earners in the digital marketing toolbox.

Why is OMG the best remarketing and retargeting agency?

We are the remarketing and retargeting gurus. Our whole model is built on putting your success and growth as our #1 priority, and we’re not satisfied until we get there. To achieve success, we need to dig deep to understand your target audience, where they come from and the places they go. Then, we use this to create a hyper-targeted strategy to convert prospects as they move around the web. Every ad is customised to appeal to your audience. Maximum conversions, here we come!

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