How Covid-19 Impacted Marketing
Wondering what the future holds? I’m right there with you. COVID-19 is creating an uncertain time for people everywhere, and it’s not looking to change anytime soon. At the end of the day, we’re all trying to keep ourselves and our families safe – while also doing right by our customers and employees.
In times of uncertainty, misinformation often spreads like wildfire. That’s why, more than ever, I want to live by the OMG’s core value: Evidence, Not Opinion.
Data will drive better decision-making both in life and in business. In the coming days, weeks and months, I want to share more of the evidence-based information to help your business pivot successfully through this period. Lots of statistics, industry tips, free resources, and a whole lot more in one place.
Marketing must-reads
4 Major Trends Caused by COVID-19 and How to Respond [Data] (Wordstream)
Did you know mobile search traffic reduced by 25% in March? Did you know, internet use is up by 50%? Digital is changing, perhaps in ways we never expected and this is presenting real opportunity for businesses looking to reach customers and stay afloat. Wordstream maps key insights across SEO and PPC, and outlines some ways that your business can adapt.
5 Completely Sane Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Stop SEO Efforts During COVID-19 (Search Engine Journal)
Marketers worldwide are doing the same thing: reviewing what’s working and where they can cut costs. If you’ve ever wondered “is it worth pausing my SEO?”, this blog post will help you weigh up the pros and cons. Like every digital marketing channel, success often starts with consistency.
9 Types Of Businesses That Thrive In A Pandemic (Digital Distillery)
Pivot has become the word 2020, with so many businesses needing to pivot their strategy in order to stay strong and stay afloat. However, some niches are already well-positioned to continue growing even through the uncertainty. Digital Distillery breaks down some of the industries still on the rise.
Coronavirus Economic Impact: Market Winners and Losers of COVID-19 (SEMrush)
Did you know Zoom’s shares rose from $108 to $162 within a week, while the rest of the stock market slumped by 30%? The shifts in the economy continue, revealing more unexpected changes day by day. Amidst it all, SEMrush have dived into the data to unveil some of the biggest shifts and industry trends to know about.
Why Facebook Ads Are Critical For Business During COVID-19 (Social Media Today)
More people at home = more people online. Social Media Today puts together 4 reasons why you should be turning to Facebook Ads during COVID-19.
Are you overdoing your COVID-19 response? (Econsultancy)
43% of consumers believe messages from retailers sound too similar and “are losing their impact”. (Digital Commerce 360) This must-read from Econsultancy shows you how to communicate effectively with your stakeholders during the COVID-19 crisis.
5 Principles Guiding Google’s Marketers (Think With Google)
To say it’s a unique time in the world is an understatement. Read up on the 5 principles guiding Google’s global marketing during this uncertain time.
Why The Best Marketers Will Be Upping Their Budgets (Marketing Week)
It may seem like a paradox, but Marketing Week outlines why recessionary periods actually provide fertile grounds for marketers to grow their brand’s market share if they’re prepared to think long-term.
4 Major Trends Caused by COVID-19 and How to Respond (WordStream)
As new search trends emerge from COVID-19, pivoting your marketing strategy becomes more important than ever. WordStream puts together actionable strategies to deal with these new trends and come out on top.
Switching Your Business To Digital During COVID-19 (Bapple)
Need to rethink the way your business operates? Our Partner Bapple has the low-down on how you can fully transform your business to digital to adapt to the fast-changing COVID-19 business landscape.
4 Essential Copywriting Guidelines For Marketing During COVID-19 (WordStream)
Not sure how to craft your marketing messages anymore? Wordstream helps you stay relevant while also being appropriate during such an unprecedented time
How Businesses Can Use SEO & Marketing to Combat COVID-19 Impact (Search Engine Journal)
Search Engine Journal have put together 13 ways you can pivot your marketing strategy so your business can push through the economic impact of COVID-19.
Building a Strong SEO Program During COVID-19 (Search Engine Journal)
Search is a proxy for consumer intent and behaviour. Search Engine Journal outlines 4 tips for you to ramp up SEO during COVID-19 and adapt to the change in consumer behaviour.
A Guide For SMB: Navigating COVID-19 (Wordstream)
Sifting through all the information available on COVID-19 can quickly become overwhelming. That’s why Wordstream has put together a simple guide, organised by common COVID-19 business objectives.
Adapting Facebook Ad Measurements During COVID-19 (Facebook)
Gaining an accurate understanding of ad performance becomes more important than ever during challenging times. Facebook outlines key ways in which you can adapt your Facebook advertising strategy.
Digital Marketing Trends To Focus On During COVID-19 (Social Media Today)
COVID-19 is changing the world of digital marketing day-by-day. Social Media Today has created an infographic on the 5 digital marketing trends you should focus on to maximise response and subsequent sales performance.
SEO Opportunities To Start Working On Now (Search Engine Journal)
Thinking about your strategies Post-COVID? Search Engine Journal has pulled together 8 SEO opportunities you can start working on right now for improved SEO.
11 Free Ways to Reach Your Audience Online During COVID-19 (Wordstream)
COVID-19 means many businesses are searching for more affordable ways to market themselves. Here are 11 tips from Wordstream on how you can maximise your reach for free!
Ranking For Questions About COVID-19 (Search Engine Journal)
Curious how you can brace against COVID-19’s impact by ranking for related questions in organic search? Search Engine Journal puts together 8 strategies to help you climb up the rankings.
Freebies to help you grow
OMG Marketing Hotline (A FREE initiative by the Gurus)
Get all your burning marketing questions answered by an experienced C-Suite Marketer, all for FREE!
COVID-19 Checklist (A Freebie From Us)
Wondering how to survive amidst all things COVID-19? We’ve put together the latest stats, high impact areas to focus on AND actionable steps to grow – all in a handy checklist.
FREE SEO Manager Certification Course (Blue Array Academy)
(100% Discount Code valid til June: WeGotYouCovered, valued at Take the next step in your SEO career with an industry recognised accreditation with Blue Array Academy. Whether you’re currently working in-house or for an agency, this training program will help you achieve your goals.
Facebook Small Business Grants Program (Facebook)
In response to COVID-19, Facebook are offering up to $100M in small business grants.
Awards Season (Green Door Co.)
While some awards are put on hold, there’s still plenty of awards to apply for. Green Door Co has pulled together a list of awards that are still open for submission.